Safer States and the following organizations submit these comments responsive to the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) notice of availability and request for information: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Consumer Products, 88 Fed. Reg. 64,890 (Sept. 20, 2023) (“request for information”): Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Center for Environmental Health, Clean Water Action Minnesota, Consumer Reports, Earthjustice, Environmental Working Group, Green Science Policy Institute, Merrimack Citizens for Clean Water, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, Toxic-Free Future.
Pollution from PFAS is now a national and global crisis. Toxic and persistent PFAS “forever” chemicals are present in the blood, breastmilk, organs, and tissues of humans worldwide, including in the bodies of 98% of Americans. PFAS are widespread drinking water pollutants and are also contaminating rivers, lakes, air, soil, and wildlife across the US and around the world. Concentrations of PFAS in rainwater now exceed proposed US drinking water standards, leading scientists to declare that the planetary boundaries for PFAS chemicals have been exceeded.
To read the full comments, click here.