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CR’s recommendations for EPA’s proposed rule to reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles

The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed a rule to set new, more stringent standards to reduce pollution from heavy duty vehicles and engines manufactured in 2027 and beyond. The EPA rule aims to reduce emissions from nitrogen oxides (NOx) and to set more stringent greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards.

Freight trucks and heavy duty vehicles release NOx and other pollution into our air––causing serious harm to our climate and representing a massive public health threat, especially for the more than 45 million people in the U.S. living within 300 feet of a major roadway or transportation facility. Those living near roadways are more heavily impacted by these emissions and are disproportionately low-income and communities of color.

Learn more about the proposed rule, the impacts of freight pollution, and CR’s recommendations to strengthen this rule in this summary sheet.