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CPSC Data Show Safety Recalls Increased 22% Over Last Year Leading Consumer Groups Urge Congress To Enact Strong Reforms Before Recess

In response to the recall of 45 million toys and children’s products in 2007, the House and the Senate both passed strong CPSC Reform Acts granting the beleaguered agency new funding and authority to police imports and to ban lead in children’s products. Final action on a conference committee report resolving differences, however, has been delayed by numerous industry requests for exceptions to the law, the groups said. In response to the recall of 45 million toys and children’s products in 2007, the House and the Senate both passed strong CPSC Reform Acts granting the beleaguered agency new funding and authority to police imports and to ban lead in children’s products. Final action on a conference committee report resolving differences, however, had been delayed by numerous industry requests for exceptions to the law, the groups said.