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50,000 consumers support FCC AI robocall rulemaking

Consumer Reports submitted comments supporting the Federal Communications Commission’s proposed rule regarding AI robocalls, along with a petition signed by more than 50,000 consumers. 

The FCC’s proposed rule would require callers using an AI-generated voice to disclose that fact to the consumer on the receiving end of the call, among other provisions. If after that disclosure consumers decide to proceed with the call, they’d be armed with the knowledge that they are not interacting with a human, and would be less likely to be deceived or confused.

Consumer Reports also commented on the privacy implications of call blocking and detection technologies. Consumers’ calls contain highly sensitive data, including the nature of our most intimate relationships, health issues, proclivities, and vulnerabilities. Companies may promise to protect that sensitive data and not use it for other purposes. But, companies including Google and Meta have backtracked on promises about how they will use consumers’ data before.

The issue of AI robocalls is clearly one that animates consumers. More than 50,000 people across the country signed a petition supporting this rulemaking.

For more, click on the linked PDF to read CR’s comment.