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Consumers Union recommendations for H.R. 2997, the 21st Century AIRR Act of 2017

SUMMARY: Consumers Union, the policy and mobilization arm of Consumer Reports, writes regarding the bill H.R. 2997, the 21st Century AIRR Act of 2017. Consumers continue to experience poor service, abusive treatment, higher fares, diminished choices, and lack of transparency in the increasingly concentrated airline industry. This is an opportunity to move toward better ensuring safe, reliable, affordable air travel that serves the interests and needs of passengers, and respects their rights as consumers.

Key points of our recommendations include:

  • We recommend that the final bill includes the following protections:
  • Stop involuntary bumping of ticketed passengers.
  • Maintain and improve transparency of airfares.
  • Establish standards for minimum dimensions for passenger seats.
  • Establish a clear, concise Passenger Bill of Rights.
  • Establish transparency and consumer protections for air ambulance service.
  • Defer action on privatizing air traffic control.
  • Other improved passenger protections.

For the full comments, click here.
