Wednesday, March 21, 2007
(Washington, DC) –Today Consumers Union called for increased funding, greater oversight of the Consumer Product Safety Commission in testimony presented before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs.
CU testified that year after year more than 1/3 of all recalls (111 in 2006) are children’s products, that these products aren’t required to be tested before being sold to consumers, and that the recall process fails to get dangerous products out of homes, and as a result exposes children to often deadly hazards. CU also noted that complexities of today’s global market and the emergence of new technologies require an aggressive and a well-funded Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect consumers from hazardous products in the marketplace.
“The CPSC’s effectiveness in protecting the public from unsafe products is limited due to of a combination of factors, including inadequate funding, statutory limitations, and because it often lacks the will to regulate dangerous products,” said Sally Greenberg, Senior Product Safety Counsel for Consumers Union, nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports magazine.
“We believe the CPSC currently is at a crossroads which will determine its ability to be effective in the future. While the CPSC needs adequate funding, Congress needs to continue its oversight to ensure that the CPSC uses its resources appropriately,” added Greenberg.
CU is concerned that the CPSC will not be able to adequately address such high consumer priority areas as pool safety, all-terrain vehicle safety, ladder safety, and the dangers that could be associated with the use of new technologies—particularly nanotechnology.
For a complete copy of the testimony, see
Jennifer Fuson 202-462-6262