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Consumers Union Marks Two Year Anniversary of Healthcare Reform with New Consumer Guide

The new free guide offers consumers information to get the most out of their healthcare options

March 23, 2012

Consumers Union Marks Two Year Anniversary of Healthcare Reform with New Consumer Guide
The Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as the health reform law, celebrates its second anniversary Friday, March 23. To mark the occasion, Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports, is offering a new, free guide to help consumers take advantage of the changes made by the law.
“The Affordable Care Act includes many protections and benefits for consumers, but it’s critical they know how to take advantage of them,” said Jim Guest, President of Consumer Reports. “This new free guide offers just that – the information that consumers and their families need to know to get the most out of their healthcare options.”

Free copies of “The Affordable Care Act: What You and Your Family Need to Know” are available for download at ConsumersUnion.org. The guide is also available in Spanish at ConsumerReportsenEspanol.org/salud.

The 12-page guide provides straightforward information about the Affordable Care Act changes already available to consumers, as well as new benefits coming in the future:

The Affordable Care Act is taking steps to slow rising health insurance costs and giving consumers real value for their healthcare dollars. New requirements are holding insurers accountable for how they spend customers’ premiums, ultimately helping lower rates and put money back in consumers’ pockets.
People with insurance can now get certain preventive care – like flu shots, vaccinations, and preventive screenings — without paying deductibles, co-pays or co-insurance.

The health reform law has protections to help keep your children on your plan until they’re 26 and ends denials for pre-existing conditions.

The guide explains consumer protections established by the health reform law like ending caps on benefits.
The Affordable Care Act aims to make the health industry work for consumers by making it fairer. From making your plan easier to understand to reducing age penalties, the guide outlines changes that will make shopping for coverage easier.

