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Consumer Reports Praises New York State Senate for passage of clean fuel legislation

Consumer Reports thanks the State Senate for passing bill to expand clean fuel options in New York and urges the State Assembly to do the same

ALBANY, NY – The New York State Senate passed legislation yesterday to establish the Clean Fuel Standard of 2023.  A Clean Fuel Standard (CFS), also known as a Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), is a critical tool designed to decrease the carbon intensity of our transportation fuels. It provides incentives for the development of low-carbon fuel technologies, which can lead to significant climate benefits for all. The State legislature is expected to adjourn later today or tomorrow for 2023, but the bill can still be taken up in the New York State Assembly during the 2024 legislative session.

“A Clean Fuel Standard is a critical tool to help consumers reduce their carbon footprint,” said Dylan Jaff, policy analyst Consumer Reports. “New York State has a prime opportunity to accelerate the state’s push to reduce emissions from the transportation sector and provide more lower-carbon fuel choices for consumers We thank Senator Parker for his leadership on winning passage of this landmark legislation in the Senate and urge the State Assembly to take action when it reconvenes next year.”

A CFS will help ensure consumers have greater accessibility to low carbon fuel options, protect New Yorkers from spiking gas prices at the pump, and in the longer term, help more drivers purchase and utilize zero-emission vehicles. This bill also prioritizes environmental justice by requiring that 40% of overall credit values received from electric utilities or state agencies be directed to projects that directly benefit and serve disadvantaged communities to ensure they are part of the transition to lower emitting transportation.

CR sent a letter of support for the CFS legislation to New York legislators earlier this year.

Michael McCauley, michael.mccauley@consumer.org