A letter of support, signed by more than two dozen public interest organizations, requesting Governor Brown to sign SB 822 into law.
California has a rare opportunity to stand up for consumers in the face of the wave of deregulation building in Washington. Passing strong, enforceable net neutrality protections to ensure an open internet for consumers, free of interference by ISPs would be a huge victory for Californians.
Consumer Reports, along with the undersigned public interest organizations, strongly supports SB 822, the California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act of 2018. We urge you to sign this bill into law now that it has been passed by large majorities in both the California Senate and Assembly. Once enacted, SB 822 will comprehensively restore for Californians the net neutrality protections embodied in the Federal Communications Commission’s 2015 Open Internet Order. This is necessary because the federal rules were repealed last December by the new leadership at the Commission, at the urging and with the support of the nation’s largest internet service providers (ISPs).