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Consumer Reports letter to House Energy and Commerce IDC Subcommittee on CPSC budget hearing

Consumer Reports (CR), the independent, non-profit, nonpartisan member organization, writes regarding the July 23, 2024, subcommittee hearing on “The Fiscal Year 2025 Consumer Product Safety Commission Budget.” We ask that this letter be included in the hearing record.

CR strongly supports the CPSC’s work to protect the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with over 15,000 different types of consumer products, including children’s products. The scope of this agency’s mission is enormous: for example, in FY 2023, the CPSC negotiated and implemented 308 voluntary recalls of 97 million consumer product units, conducted more than 66,000 import examinations at U.S. ports of entry, and handled more than 3,800 in-depth investigations of product safety incidents. However, the agency’s current funding level forces it to operate under severe resource constraints and leaves consumers and their families at risk from both longstanding product hazards and newly emerging ones.

To read the full letter, click here.