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Consumer Reports, EPIC, and Restore the Fourth Oppose Rhode Island HB 7787/SB 2500, Consumer Privacy Legislation

Consumer Reports was joined by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and Restore the Fourth in opposing Rhode Island HB 7787/SB 2500, consumer privacy legislation. The bill seeks to provide to Rhode Island consumers the right to know the information companies have collected about them, the right to access, correct, and delete that information, as well as the right to stop the disclosure of certain information to third parties. However, in its current form it would do little to protect Rhode Island consumers’ personal information, or to rein in major tech companies like Google and Facebook. The bill needs to be substantially improved before it is enacted; otherwise, it would risk locking in industry-friendly provisions that avoid actual reform.

We offer several suggestions to strengthen the bill to provide the level of protection that Rhode Island consumers deserve:

  • Include strong data minimization rules to limit collection and use of personal data.
  • Require companies to honor browser privacy signals as opt outs.
  • Apply privacy notice requirements to all controllers.
  • Remove pseudonymous data exemption.
  • Narrow the loyalty program exemption.
  • Ensure targeted advertising is adequately covered.
  • Strengthen enforcement.
  • Remove entity level carveouts.
  • Add civil rights protections.

To read the full letter, please see the attached PDF.