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Consumer Reports endorses the Fans First Act (S. 3457) to promote fairness in event ticket pricing

Consumer Reports strongly supports S.3457, the “Fans First Act” , to promote fairness in ticket sales for concerts, sports and other live entertainment events. The Fans First Act includes very strong provisions to increase transparency in ticket sales, strengthen consumer protections for proof of purchase and refunds, and clamp down on the use of shopping bots and deceptive websites. The bill also directs the GAO to further study the ticket marketplace and make recommendations for further possible actions to promote greater fairness and competition in ticket sales.
The common-sense consumer protections in the Fans First Act are urgently needed, and long overdue. The bill will help ensure consumers can shop and compare prices for tickets on a fair and transparent basis, as they routinely do for other products and services.  By establishing fair ground rules for all ticket sellers and market participants, the Fans First Act also creates a level playing field for all market actors to act appropriately.
We urge all Senators to please cosponsor and support this critically important consumer protection legislation, and to secure its final passage through a Senate floor vote.