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Consumer Reports Comments on NTIA’s AI Accountability Request for Comment

Consumer Reports submitted comments on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Request for Comments on AI Accountability. Consumer Reports made several recommendations, including:

  • Regulators should not rely AI accountability mechanisms alone to regulate AI technologies; systemic regulation (including bans of technologies too risk to deploy) and individual due process rights are also crucial elements
  • AI accountability mechanisms should require developers and deployers of high-risk AI to subject their products to rigorous, independent third-party testing to ensure they meet certain benchmarks for accuracy, efficacy, fairness, privacy, civil rights, transparency, explainability and internal governance
  • Policymakers should explicitly empower public interest researchers to conduct additional oversight on top of third-party risk assessments and audits
  • AI accountability mechanisms should be coupled with a strong enforcement (both private and regulatory) regime, and key regulators should receive more resources to conduct oversight
  • AI accountability mechanisms should produce publicly accessible outputs

To read our full response, please read the attached PDF.