Welcome to Consumer Reports Advocacy

For 85 years CR has worked for laws and policies that put consumers first. Learn more about CR’s work with policymakers, companies, and consumers to help build a fair and just marketplace at TrustCR.org

Archive of Comment Letters to Covered California & State Regulators

During the establishment of California’s Health Benefit Exchange, Covered California, Consumers Union has played a vital role in providing stakeholder input from the consumer perspective, often in partnership with other California advocacy organizations.

Below are all comment letters submitted to Covered California from 2011 onwards.

March 2015

January 2015

August 2014

July 2014

May 2014

April 2014

March 2014

February 2014

January 2014

December 2013

November 2013

October 2013

September 2013

August 2013

July 2013

June 2013

May 2013

April 2013

March 2013

February 2013

January 2013

November 2012

October 2012

September 2012

August 2012

June 2012

May 2012

March 2012

January 2012

December 2011
