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CU policy on arbitration and other ADR clauses in standard form consumer contracts

Consumers Union Policy on Arbitration and Other ADR Clauses in Standard Form Consumer Contracts

Standard form contracts offered to consumers by commercial parties are increasingly likely to contain clauses requiring the consumer to participate in arbitration or another form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). These clauses have the potential to prevent consumers from having their claims heard in court. Consumers Union’s policy on mandatory arbitration and ADR clauses is designed to promote standards for when these clauses should be permitted to be placed in consumer form contracts, or enforced if found in such contracts, and to promote fair procedures in the implementation of ADR clauses.
A. ADR, including arbitration, should not be required in consumer form contracts unless the consumer has the option either to decline to engage in the ADR process after the dispute arises or to reject the results of the ADR process. In other words, ADR clauses should be permitted and enforceable in consumer contracts only if the ADR process is: 1) contractually mandated with non-binding results, 2) optional with binding results, or 3) optional with non-binding results.
B. The ADR process must be fair. The overall fairness of a contractually imposed ADR process should be judged by compliance with the following criteria.

A. ADR clauses imposed in a consumer form contract must not select an ADR provider if the location of that provider would impose unreasonable travel costs upon the consumer in order to fully participate in the hearing of the claim.

B. Any consumer contract requiring the consumer to submit to ADR should contain a clear, conspicuous, and understandable disclosure describing the degree to which the consumer gives up any rights he or she otherwise possesses to go to court. Whenever the parties or their agents engage in face-to-face discussions leading to formation of the contract, there should also be a clear oral disclosure.

C. ADR clauses should not apply to cases where a consumer is seeking injunctive relief, unless, after the dispute arises, the consumer agrees to the ADR process and the ADR decision maker has the power to order injunctive relief.

D. In order for any ADR provider to be preselected in a consumer form contract, that provider must maintain an index of actions which is open to the public. The index must identify the parties to the disputes it has pending and has resolved in the past five years. The results of its ADR procedures involving individual consumers should also be available, unless the ADR decision maker has found that there is a special need to seal the results of the ADR proceeding.

E. Whenever the result of ADR will be binding or subject only to limited review, all parties should have access to civil discovery to the degree necessary to the claims and defenses presented. In particular, consumers should always have access to the complete file, if any exists, about their claim or dispute, and to evidence indicating that any problem they allege is part of a larger pattern or practice of the business.

F. Standard form consumer contract ADR clauses should be invalid if the preselected ADR provider does not require that the officer who presides at the ADR proceeding must swear all the witnesses to tell the truth.

G. Standard form contract ADR clauses in consumer contracts should be disallowed unless they provide that the consumer may appeal for review of alleged errors.

H. ADR providers selected in consumer form contracts must provide for waiver of fees and costs for indigent individuals.

I. ADR clauses in consumer form contracts should be invalid if they select an ADR provider which does not have an effective method of internal review to reduce the risk of selection bias. This is of critical importance. State licensing of ADR providers may also be necessary.

J. ADR providers selected in consumer form contracts must provide a written statement of the basis for any decision which is binding when issued.

K. Conflict of interest disclosures should be made by all proposed single ADR decision makers and all who are proposed to serve as a so-called “neutral third.” At least the following should be disclosed:

  • Names of prior or pending cases involving any party to the ADR agreement or any attorney for any of the parties in which that person is serving or has served as an arbitrator, party or attorney.
  • The results of each concluded case involving any of the parties or attorneys for the current case, including the identity of the prevailing party and the date and amount of any award.
  • L. ADR should never be used to eliminate or delay a consumer’s access to a small claims court action, licensing or other administrative proceeding, or a consumer class action.

