September 17, 2013
Consumers Union Welcomes NTIA’s Call for Action on Unlocking Mobile Phones
WASHINGTON, DC – The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) today filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requesting wireless carriers be required to unlock all mobile devices for use across carriers.
Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports, welcomed the NTIA’s call for action. The consumer group has been urging both the FCC and Congress to find a fix for the unlock exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that was eliminated last year by the Library of Congress, including testifying in support at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing.
“Consumers deserve more choice and flexibility in the wireless market. Restoring the right to unlock their cell phones is critical to empowering consumers,” said George Slover, senior policy counsel for Consumers Union. “This proposal is encouraging because it seeks to expand unlocking capabilities to more consumers and more wireless devices — including tablets — something Consumers Union has also called for. Consumers need a solution to this problem, and we hope that lawmakers and regulators can work to solve this important consumer issue.”