News Release
Consumers Union
Policy and Advocacy Division of Consumer Reports
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Consumers Union on FCC’s Plan to Reform Universal Service Fund
WASHINGTON – Parul P. Desai, policy counsel for Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports, made the following statement today about the Federal Communications Commission’s plan to reform the Universal Service Fund:
“We support the goal of broadband expansion, and we’re pleased the FCC is suggesting it will continue to hold companies responsible for consumer protections. But when broadband companies are generating huge revenues while many consumers are struggling to make ends meet, the FCC shouldn’t allow the industry to pay for expansion on the backs of consumers. We urge the FCC to not allow companies to raise landline phone rates, which hit seniors and underserved communities especially hard. We will be paying close attention to the details as they become known.”
Contact: David Butler or Kara Kelber, 202-462-6262, or