Consumer Reports praised the Federal Communication Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that will implement the broadband consumer label or “broadband nutrition label” that was included in last year’s bipartisan infrastructure law. The FCC will vote on the proposal during today’s Open Commission Meeting, and it is expected to pass with the support of both Democratic and Republican commissioners.
CR has been a strong advocate for requiring internet service providers (ISP) to include a broadband label that would clearly present pricing information, any additional fees (e.g. device rental fees), promotional discounts and length, and performance information (i.e., expected download and upload speeds).
Jonathan Schwantes, senior policy counsel at CR, said, “A broadband label is a great tool to increase transparency and help consumers better understand what they are paying for with their internet plan. And for those lucky consumers who enjoy a choice of ISPs, a clear, uniform label will allow those consumers to comparison shop.”
“For far too long ISPs have gotten away with confusing information about the internet service they provide, hidden data caps, and bills that vary by ISPs filled with a laundry list of mysterious fees buried in the fine print. The label is a critical step in shedding more light on these practices, and will help consumers better understand what has become the essential service of the early 21st century.”
Contact: Cyrus Rassool,