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Consumer Reports statement on Justice Department’s antitrust lawsuit against Google

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Consumer Reports released the following statement in response to the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Google for anticompetitive practices to grow and maintain its dominance in the digital advertising space:

“We applaud the Justice Department’s action against Google for its alleged use of anticompetitive tactics to cement its dominance in the digital advertising industry,” said Sumit Sharma, senior researcher for tech competition at Consumer Reports. “For too long, Google has faced limited competition and exploited its power without being held accountable. And a lot of people have been harmed along the way — emerging competitors, publishers, and ultimately consumers. For example, fewer innovative services are introduced and consumers pay higher prices for products and services that use online advertising, and have less control over how their data are used.” 

Contact: Cyrus Rassool, cyrus.rassool@consumer.org