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Consumer Reports commends New Hampshire Legislature for approving a comprehensive privacy bill; advocates for improvements

Concord, New Hampshire – The New Hampshire General Court (the New Hampshire Legislature) advanced a new comprehensive privacy bill. 

The New Hampshire privacy bill is modeled on the Connecticut Data Privacy Act and would mirror the important protections present in that law and largely align with other states that have recently enacted rules using the Connecticut law as a model. Consumer Reports has advocated that states enact more stringent requirements and close loopholes present in the Connecticut model. 

“We appreciate that with this legislation, the New Hampshire General Court will bring the state in line with many others that provide baseline consumer protections to their residents,” said Matt Schwartz, policy analyst at Consumer Reports. “Basic control over one’s personal data is a much needed consumer right. At the same time, we continue to believe this model can and should be improved upon, particularly relating to its data minimization and enforcement provisions. We’ll continue to urge lawmakers in New Hampshire to close loopholes in the legislation and provide the comprehensive privacy protections New Hampshirites truly deserve.” 

If the bill is signed into law by Governor Chris Sununu, New Hampshire would become the 14th state, after California, Utah, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Delaware, and New Jersey to extend baseline privacy rights to consumers, including the right to access, delete, and stop certain disclosures of their personal information. The bill would become operative on January 1, 2025. 

Contact: cyrus.rassool@consumer.org