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Consumer Reports applauds Delaware Governor for signing data privacy bill into law

Dover, Delaware –  Delaware Governor John Carney signed the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act into law. The comprehensive consumer privacy bill provides consumers with certain baseline privacy rights, including the right to access, correct, delete, and stop the sale of their personal information. 

The law has several key provisions that will make it more workable for consumers than some other states’ consumer privacy laws:

  • It requires companies to honor authorized agents and browser privacy signals, such as the Global Privacy Control, so that consumers can opt out of data sales at all companies in a single step;
  • It expands coverage of children’s data protections to children under the age of 18 (rather than under 16); and
  • The definitions of sensitive and biometric information are broader than most states.

“We congratulate Governor Carney for signing this bill into law, which provides several important privacy protections for Delawareans,” said Matt Schwartz, policy analyst at Consumer Reports. “Requiring businesses to honor universal opt out signals is key, as doing so will allow consumers to take some control over their personal data back. At the same time, we see room for improvement and will continue to encourage Delaware lawmakers to protect consumers’ privacy by default.”

Contact: cyrus.rassool@consumer.org