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AT&T to limit its “unlimited” wireless plans

March 1, 2012

Consumers Union on AT&T Policy to Limit its “Unlimited” Wireless Plans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – AT&T today announced a new policy on its web site that appears to effectively end its unlimited wireless plans by slowing download speeds for “unlimited” customers that exceed certain data limits.
Parul P. Desai, Policy Counsel for Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy division of Consumer Reports, said, “This attempt by AT&T to clarify its wireless plans only creates more questions. How can a product advertised as ‘unlimited’ have a clearly defined limit? How exactly is this going to ease congestion and improve service? If a customer uses most of their data during off-peak hours, why should that customer be throttled? The only thing that does seem clear is that this is another way to squeeze money out of customers.”

Contact: David Butler, 202-462-6262
